Lush blogger event

Monday, 28 March 2016
So on Saturday evening Lush in Tunbridge Wells held their first blogger event. I was lucky enough to grab an invite and I'm so glad I did. I haven't been to a blogger event before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect, only that I would be experiencing how they make their products and information about the seasonal products they have.

When I first got there and was waiting outside with Ollie, I was really nervous as there were a lot of people around- some who were attending the event and some who weren't. As I have social anxiety I wasn't 100% sure I could do this on my own but as the doors opened and I said goodbye to Ollie, I started to feel at ease. As soon as we entered the store we were given sticky labels with our name and blog name on so we could identify who everyone was. 

To begin with there weren't that many people in the store so I thought only a few people had got an invite. Once I had been given my name, I started talking to a couple of other bloggers- shoutout to amylilyanne, courtneydoesbeauty and mslilypad for making me feel a bit more comfortable! We started talking about if we were bloggers or youtubers- amylilyanne and courtneydoesbeauty are bloggers, go check them out! And mslilypad is a youtuber, make sure to subscribe to her channel! After we had been talking for a little bit we went upstairs and put our coats and bags to one side. By this point there were a lot more bloggers and youtubers around and Amy spotted Ottilie- check out her blog oisforottilie. I also met Jen- tabbycatcollars from Instagram, make sure to check out her page too. 

We then moved around the table to where there was a demonstration of a bathbomb was happening. It was interesting to see the ingredients used and how the ball shape was formed. I had a go at making my own bathbomb which I'm still waiting to test out- we were told to leave it for at least 24h but I think I overpacked mine! 

After we had made the bathbombs, we moved on to making Cupcake, the face mask. I will admit that I've tried this mask a long time ago when I was at college and due to the products we used there, anything would react to my skin- including this mask. I wanted to give this mask another shot as it was a few years ago that I was at college and my skin doesn't tend to react to many products nowadays. As soon as the cocoa was added to the mixture the room was filled with this yummy chocolate smell. Again I am waiting to use this product as a little part of me is worried I will react so I will try it over the weekend. 

After everyone had taken some of the face mask we went downstairs and were shown how a few of the products worked. We were shown Humpty Dumpty, which came first?, golden egg, bunch of carrots and ultraviolet. We were shown what was inside Humpty Dumpty and which came first? As well as how frothy bunch of carrots and ultraviolet were. The smells of these were incredible and the colours were bright and inviting. Golden egg was shown last and smelt unreal! It's a toffee smell and I couldn't get over how glittery it was! I wanted to drink the water as it smelt so good- don't worry, I wouldn't actually drink the water! We were also shown sunnyside as we were going to be making these later. The way it left the water was so pretty and sparkly!

After we had been shown the different seasonal products, we went back upstairs and created our own sunnyside bubble bars. We got to create whatever shape we wanted so I chose a heart. Sunnyside is packed full of orange and tangerine oils so smells amazing! It has glitter in which doesn't have a coating over the top making it safer to use meaning it's not bad for your skin or the environment! 

When all the fun of creating our own products was over, we got a goodie bag. In the goodie bag was a catalogue, our bits we made earlier and then some treats we got to pick. I picked Prince Charming shower gel, rub rub rub body scrub, yuzu and cocoa bubbleroon and it started with a kiss lip tint. I also had vanillary thrown in my bag which smells so good, even if Ollie doesn't like it. It's a solid perfume so it's perfect for on the go! 

I had an amazing time, I want to thank all the staff at Lush in Tunbridge Wells for the invite, making it a great night and want to say well done on your first blogger event, it went really well! I also want to thank the amazing people I met on Saturday for making me feel at ease with my anxiety- even though I didn't look like I was freaking out, I was on the inside, so thank you Amy, Courtney, Ottilie and Jen for talking to me and making me feel super comfortable. I can't wait to attend more blogger events in the future! 


Instagram- saralouisehxo 
Twitter- saralouisehxo 

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