Blogmas day 3- Christmas photo challenge

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

I found the above picture on Pinterest and loved the idea of doing a Christmas photo challenge. I will be uploading the first 7 pictures to Instagram as soon as I get home (I tweeted earlier about why I've been missing from Blogmas) but I can't wait to try the photo challenge! 

I did credit the original creator of this post on Instagram- it took a lot of searching to find her, but luckily she had commented on a post of someone who used her # which made it somewhat easier to find it. She didn't comment when she created this challenge but it just happy to see it still going around! 

Keep an eye out on Instagram later tonight of the posts from this challenge!



Blogmas day 1- Christmas bucket list

Sunday, 4 December 2016

It's that time of the year again where we get to talk about CHRISTMAS!!! As I sorta explained in a tweet, I'm doing Blogmas a little different this year. I will still be posting but it'll be every other day rather than everyday. This is because of personal issues and work. I get that people have a full time jobs and still post everyday- I admire you, but due to a recent post, I am struggling with motivation to write (I shall keep you updated on the journey I'm facing).

Anyway back to the fun stuff!! I thought the first Blogmas post this year should be a Christmas bucket list. I was searching through Pinterest at anything Christmas related and came across a few different bucket lists. It gave me the idea to do one myself as I want to cram as much Christmas stuff in as I can before the big day! I'm not going to make it a long list, but a list I can do whilst I'm working too. 

- Drink homemade hot chocolate
- Take a Christmassy picture with a red cup
- Decorate my tree
- Start a new Christmas tradition
- Visit Winter Wonderland
- Bake cookie
- Watch 3 Christmas films in a row
- Make a Christmas card
- Make Christmas decorations
- Build a gingerbread house
- Visit a Christmas market

Let me know what you get up too this Christmas!

