Mascara horror story

Wednesday, 24 February 2016
I thought I'd try something a little different and give you a little makeup horror story. If you like this idea then let me know so I can write more of these! 

This story didn't happen to me, but I've lived by it everyday since hearing this story so I wanted to share it with you.

When I was at college a few years ago studying beauty therapy, my tutor told us a story which I will now always live by. My tutor was doing a clients makeup but the client had an eye infection. When it came to mascara, my tutor suggested that they use her own one to stop the infection spreading to anyone else. She then told us that the client pulled out a mascara that hasn't been around for 10 years (more like 12 now), the woman said she wouldn't use another brand and my tutor was confused as to how she was still able to use the mascara as it had all dried up.

This woman told my tutor that to make it wet, she licks the mascara wand then applies it to her lashes- this was obviously grossing us all out and the story isn't over yet! My tutor said to this woman that she may know what's causing the eye infection and if so is it okay to open the mascara tube. The woman allowed her to cut open the tube and inside there was this massive mushroom growing! It was growing because of the bacteria from her mouth was being jammed in the tube and she was pumping the wand into the tube. 

It was the mushroom which was causing the infection in her eye, and probably causing a throat infection too where she was putting the wand in her mouth! 

Now ladies and gentlemen, if you have a mascara you love and you know it's going to be stopped soon, please stock up on it. Once they've been opened they're good for 6 months. After 6 months have passed, throw the mascara away! If the mascara hasn't been opened then it's okay, it will be fine until you open it up. Also DON'T pump the wand into the tube as this causes air to get inside the mascara tube which will cause it to dry out and also let bacteria inside! I understand it's difficult to throw a mascara away after 6 months- I still use some which should be long gone! But please for the sake of your eyes, please don't pump air in and don't keep them for more than 6 months! I tend to go through mascara a really quickly so I'm surprised I still have some left to use from 9 months ago. 

Sorry for this story first thing in the morning and sorry to gross you all out, but please don't let this happen to you! I told you because I care! 


Instagram- saralouisehxo
Twitter- saralouisehxo 

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