Boosting your self-esteem

Thursday, 21 April 2016
Next month is National Boost Your Self Esteem month. I thought despite everything that's happened over the last week (check my Twitter- saralouisehxo), I need my self-esteem boosted! I have been doing a lot of research on ways to boost your self-esteem and came across these 10 ways in an article by Huffingtonpost.

10 ways to boost your self-esteem:
  1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  2. Compliment yourself regularly.
  3. Exercise consistently,
  4. Simply smile.
  5. Focus on your own accomplishments.
  6. Get the support you need to succeed.
  7. Make a list of your positive qualities.
  8. Find something special in each day.
  9. Eat better.
  10. Explore a passion.
Some of these I need to start doing and others I do sometimes. I try to compliment myself but like every human, I can only see the flaws and negative things about myself. There are days where I'm feeling really good about myself and says where I feel crap and terrible.

One I do think everyone SHOULD do is find something special in each day. This can range from something really little to something massive! Yesterday I went to Caffe Nero and got a hot chocolate as well as a muffin. Now unless they have some sort of deal on, I was only charged for the hot chocolate and thought nothing of it till I sat down and had already started to eat the muffin. This is something I would say is special because they could have a deal on, plus I got a free muffin if not!

I always smile, it just seems to be a reaction which happens without me knowing. I'm doing an apprenticeship, and the woman who is my mentor and assessor told me that whenever she comes into my work and sees me, I'm always smiling and have a warm, welcoming vibe about me- granted she didn't say vibe, but that's what she meant. I just tend to smile at everyone I see, and heard somewhere and I can't remember exactly where which annoys me, but you never know what someone is going through so to always smile. Someone could be thinking that there is nothing left for them in this world and that no one cares, but if you smile, you could potentional save someones life. It really bugs me that I can't remember where I heard this!

I want to set you all a challenge, if you make a list of the 10 ways to boost your self-esteem and everytime you feel yourself doing any of these, mark ir down and in a months time tell me which one you did most of, and which one you want to improve as you didn't do that well. Yes, I am also taking part in this challenge too!


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