Where have I been?

Tuesday, 12 September 2017
I know, I know...

I'm very sorry for being absent! I've been trying to juggle everything that's happening in my life and to be completely honest, forgot I had a blog! In my last post I said that I was thinking of turning this into a baby related blog, but seeing as it's a beauty and lifestyle blog anyway, I thought that there was no point.

I'm going to try and use this more, even if it's linked with my YouTube videos I.e tomorrow I'm filming a healthy snacks video where I will be making snacks. I thought that this was a good place to have the recipes rather than making the video longer that it needs to be!

I just want to give a little update, since I posted last in May! I was put on antisickness medication as I was being sick constantly, finally got over the morning sickness at week 21! I'm exactly 27 weeks today- some people say it's the start of the third trimester (I'm one of those people) some same it's week 28. Whichever week it is, I'm just happy that I get to meet my little boy soon! We have decided a name, but won't be telling people until he arrives, although family know the name. He is kicking and moving around a lot, but has now got a sleep pattern so it worries me when I can't feel him move, but then he'll wake up and I can give a sigh of relief!
Another change I've made to my schedule, is to plan my following week on a Sunday. This way I know what I have coming up for that week and can plan videos. When I plan for next week, I will include blog post ideas too, so if you have any posts you want to see, let me know! I have also taken into writing down a 'diary'. It was originally going to be somewhere I could write when I was having a low day, but now I've got into the habit of sitting down in the evening and writing what happened that day or how I'm feeling. This is helping me keep track of everything and I'm glad I've started doing this. Hopefully it can help me to see if there's anything that sets these low moods off and how I cope or overcame them to help myself in the future.

If you want to check out my YouTube channel, click here.


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